We recognize and document trends in public data.

Unfortunately, the mass-media often ignores perfectly obvious trends in public data because it would counter a particular narrative.

We spot these trends - regardless of political leanings - and highlight them.🕵️

We do not manipulate, nor create, any data. All data is already publicly published by recognized organizations.

We let you form your own views from hard numbers that are often under-represented or worse of all - simply ignored.

👉 Intuitive Data Science

Current projects:

In the works:

  • Gun violence in the US

  • The COVID Vaccination
    preview: get vaccinated! seriously, it's not a computer chip.

  • US Taxation

  • US Immigration

  • US Presidents and Failed Wars

Stay in the loop!

Notice something? Have ideas? Don't agree? Complaints? Contact us!

Our mission:

To peer-review the news media
using fully transparent statistics.

There's much abuzz about fact-checking and fake news that's soaked in the media's hubris of claimed truth and teams of fact-checkers.

And that's great, because with the internet, there's no reason for fabricated - or more importantly, ignored - data.

But unfortunately the fact-checkers just end up adding linguistically editorialized spin - so who, in fact, fact-checks the fact-checkers?


Sure, there are "lies, damned lies, and statistics," but when the statistics are publicly available, from recognized sources, and utilized in a fully transparent and peer-reviewed manner, they become iron clad. 🔒

Join In.

It's simple.
nly a hunch and the numbers are required.

  1. Create a Google Sheet with stats, referenced by URLs. Directly embedding tables is ideal.

  2. Create additional tabs with calculations and graphs, preferably grouping things into a final tab for publication.

  3. Share the sheets with 45by90@gmail.com or on Chats/Hangouts or the Forum or contact 45x90 privately.

  4. 45x90 will create a new page and embed your charts/stats.

Regardless of its political leanings,
send us the truth and we'll get it out.

Strength in numbers.